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Stuffed Turkey

Item number: 8590

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Stuffed and marinated turkey. With the instructions on the box you can easily prepare this delicious turkey at home
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  • Order before 11:00 AM for same day delivery
  • Free delivery in NL for orders above €89
  • 9,3 review score out of 19.485 reviews
About this product
We have deboned and stuffed this turkey with a really tasty stuffing. With the easy instructions you can cook this turkey at home. After cooking you can cut it into slices without any problems. We will deliver the turkey in a nice Holiday-box, so a product which you can give away as well. A real Christmas Holiday treat!

45 minuten per kilo in een voorverwarmde oven van 180 graden. Folie laten zitten, eventueel laatste 20 minuten pas eraf halen.

More Information
Provenance France
Ingredients Ingrediënten: kalkoen, kipgehakt (kippenvlees, gehaktkruiden(tarwebloem, zout, kruiden en specerijen (nootmuskaat, peper, foelie, gember, kurkuma), smaakversterker (E621, E631), gehydrolyseerd SOJA-eiwit, ui, palmolie, suiker, gist
Storage Frozen ≤ -18ºC
Aging Not aged
Cooking method Barbecue, Indirect, Oven
Sort Poultry
SKU 8590
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