Premium USA Grain-Fed Beef belongs to the top of USA Beef. A constantly rich marbling is what you can expect from this Angus breed (and some cross-bred). Beef meets perfection!
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This true premium meets all the conditions for the most excellent beef: of the right breed (Angus and selected cross-breds), the right age, the right marbling (abundant, compare with level 3 of Wagyu marbling scale). This is the steak that can charm the American steak lover. And that bar is high!
Our USA Grain-Fed beef comes from various American companies.
The excellent taste of this American beef is the result of the best breeds around, coupled with a lifetime of experience raising them. The breed is a starting point, but in itself is not a guarantee of the best quality meat for our customers. The key to this success is combining the best livestock with a balanced diet, an in-depth understanding of the physiology of these animals, and a normal, stress-free life on open farms and ranches on the vast plains of the central and western areas of the United States
During the first 15 months, cattle live on open ranches and eat the natural grasses that grow on the central and western plains of the United States. During the next 4 months they will receive a very balanced diet of cereals and maïs, which ensures a unique taste and marbling of the meat.
The level of marbling (intramuscular, silky, small threads of soft fat) is an important factor in determining the quality of beef. In America there are 3 types of beef classes; Prime, Choice and Select. Prime is the top segment. Choice is the high quality and Select the overall quality. At Beef& Steak we only work with Prime and Choice. Only in America is there an independent body that measures and approves them. This way you are assured of the best quality tender, juicy and tasty beef.
USA Prime and Choice beef
That Prime and Choice represent the best quality can be seen especially in pieces such as Cote de Boeuf, Brisket, Picanha and the Chuck. These products have a beautiful marbling and a sublime taste.
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