Mini Chicken Breast Roulade

Mini Chicken Breast Roulade
Make your own delicious chicken roulade in no time


Mini chicken roulade: 1-2 people
1 double chicken breast
75 gr ricotta
50 gr spinach
4 twigs thyme
15 gr mustard to your own taste
30 gr mozzarella
2 tbsp rub to own taste
sea salt
black pepper
25 gr butter


1: Defrost the chicken breast in the fridge
2: Place a piece of plastic on a shelf with the chicken breast on top and plastic on top
3: Now give the chicken breast a few good blows with the bottom of a pan for example so that the chicken breast becomes a bit flatter
4: Fry the fresh spinach briefly in the pan and keep separately
5:  Spread the chicken breast with the ricotta, salt, pepper and mustard
6: Divide the spinach and the zipped thyme over it
7: Now roll up the chicken breast into a kind of mini roulade and close it with a few cocktail skewers
8: Cut 6 equal pieces of binding rope. Carefully slide each string under the roulade and button them tightly. Now remove the cocktail skewers
9: Put the rub in a container or deep plate and roll the roulade all the way in
10: Melt the butter in the pan and fry the roulade until golden brown. Put the lid on and let the roulade cook on low heat. The chicken roulade is cooked when a temperature of 70-72C° is reached
11: Cut the chicken roulade into pieces between the strings. If necessary, remove the strings
12: If you want to use the chicken roulade on the gourmet, bake it just not fully cooked but keep a core temperature of 58-60 C°. Cut it into pieces and bake/grill it on the gourmet
13: Enjoy your meal!